Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Political Parties and Public Organizations

The Workers' Party of Korea

The Workers' Party of Korea was founded on October 10, Juche 34(l945). The WPK is a revolutionary party of a Juche type which was founded by great Comrade Kim Il Sung and is now led by Comrade Kim Jong Il. The Party inherits the revolutionary traditions established in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle and is guided solely by the Juche idea in its activities. Its immediate objective is to attain the complete victory of socialism in the northern half of Korea and carry out the tasks of national liberation, people's democratic revolution throughout the country;
its ultimate goal is to model the whole society on the Juche idea and build a communist society. The WPK is the political General Staff which organizes and leads the revolutionary struggle and construction work in Korea in a coordinated way. It assumes full responsibility for the destiny of the entire Korean people.

The Korean Social Democratic Party

The Korean Social Democratic Party was formed on November 3, Juche 34 (1945) by medium and small entrepreneurs, merchants, handicraftsmen, petit-bourgeoisie, some peasants, and Christians, out of the masses' antiimperialist, anti-feudal aspirations and demands to eliminate the aftermath of Japanese imperialist colonial rule and build a new democratic society. Its guiding idea is national social democracy befitting Korea's historical conditions and national characteristics and its basic political motto is independence, sovereignty, democracy, peace and the defence of human rights.

The Chondoist Chongu Party

The Chondoist Chongu Party is a democratic party formed on February 8, Juche 35 (1946). Its membership consists mainly of Chondoist peasants. It was formed with the objectives to oppose imperialist aggression and subjugation, join in the work to secure national independence and build a rich and strong democratic country with the patriotic idea of "defending the country and providing welfare for the people" and the independent spirit of "driving out westerners and the Japanese".
Today this party sets it as its important task to establish harmony among all members of society, strengthen solidarity among them, and build a popular welfare society with a highly-developed independent national economy and Juche-based national culture.
This party affirmed that the WPK's line of three revolutions ideological, technological and cultural is the common banner of the nation which clearly shows the way to achieve its goal of building a popular welfare society, and is striving to carry out the line.

The Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland

The Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland was formed on July 22, Juche 35 (1946). It regards it as its main duty to rally, on the basis of worker-peasant alliance, all the patriotic democratic forces desirous of the freedom and independence of the country around the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, irrespective of occupation, sex, religion, and party affiliation, actively uphold and give publicity to his revolutionary line as well as his policy for the independent, peaceful reunification of the country, and organize and mobilize the broad sections of the masses for the nationwide struggle to carry them out .

The Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League

The Democratic Youth League of Korea, the predecessor of the Kim II Sung Socialist Youth League, was founded as a mass youth organization on January 17, Juche 35 (1946), after liberation. Later it was strengthened and developed into the League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea to meet the requirements of the developing revolution.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its foundation in January Juche 85 (1996), it was renamed the Kim II Sung Socialist Youth League and entered a new phase of its development. The league is a militant organization of the youths who are to carry forward the Korean revolution. It is the reliable reserve and supporter of the Workers' Party of Korea. It is guided solely by the revolutionary idea of great Comrade Kim II Sung.
Its general objective is to equip the young masses with the Juche idea and train them into the reliable successors to the revolutionary cause of Juche. It has a membership of 5 million.


The General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea

The General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea is a revolutionary political organization of the working masses. It was founded on November 30, Juche 34 (1945). It conducts ideological education to ensure its members fully understand the Juche idea and gets them to take part in socialist construction and the management of the socialist economy with the attitude befitting masters. It has its organizations in different branches of industry.

The Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea

The Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea is a mass political organization of agricultural working people founded on January 31, Juche 35 (1946). It carries on ideological education to equip the agricultural working people with the Juche idea and gets them to carry out the ideological, technological and cultural revolutions successfully in the countryside along the path indicated by the Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country.

The Korean Democratic Women's Union

The Korean Democratic Women's Union is a mass political organization of working women established on November 18, Juche 34 (1945) It conducts ideological education to arm women with the Juche idea, transform them into revolutionaries and assimilate them into the working class and thus promote the transformation of the whole society into revolutionary and working-class patterns and enhance their role in revolution and construction.
In addition there are such public organizations as the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, the Korean Journalists Union, the General Federation of the Unions of Literature and Art of Korea, the Korean National Peace Committee, the Korean Democratic Lawyers Association, the Korean Students Committee, the Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World's People, the Korean Committee for Afro-Asian Solidarity, the Korean Buddhists Federation, the Korean Christians Federation, the Korean Chondoist Church Central Guidance Committee and the Korean Catholics Association.

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