Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Business in DPR Korea:



IKBC The International Korean Business Centre is a comprehensive one-stop service for worldwide companies and individuals interested to trade and explore opportunities with the DPR of Korea. IKBC has its main headquarters in Pyongyang, and external offices in Thailand and Spain. IKBC is an official DPRK organization, not an agent. The business center is composed by DPRK Government Officials, with more than 15 years experience and experts in the fields of foreign relations, international trade and banking. We have a comprehensive assistance and financial network inside and outside the DPR of Korea backed by the highest Ministries and Embassies of the Republic. Our focus are imports, exports and Joint Ventures in any economical field. We will study the feasibility of your proposal and guide you in the feasibility, preparation, maintenance and success of your project.

Business in DPR Korea:

The DPR of Korea (North Korea) will become in the next years the most important hub for trading in North-East Asia.
Lowest labour cost in Asia.
Highly qualified, loyal and motivated personnel. Education, housing and health service is provided free to all citizens. As opposed to other Asian countries, worker's will not abandon their positions for higher salaries once they are trained.
Lowest taxes scheme in Asia. Especially for high-tech factories. Typical tax exemption for the first two years.
No middle agents. All business made directly with the government, state-owned companies.
Stable. A government with solid security and very stable political system, without corruption.
Full diplomatic relations with most EU members and rest of countries.
New market. Many areas of business and exclusive distribution of products (sole-distribution).
Transparant legal work. Legal procedures, intellectual rights, patents and warranties for investors settled.

IKBC organizes exclusive business trips every year. You can check details in the following page:

Further queries to:

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